
Q&A Today: Refrigerator -ator!

How do you find stuff in the refrigerator and cook things? You probably have to be a super organized person...everything in its exact place?

Well I can tell you right now, just like many of you (don’t deny it) my fridge is NOT all too organized. Most items kept in the refrigerator have a distinct shape or smell to them. For example a jar of pickles and a jar of jam may have the same bottle shape but one twist of the lid and the smell easily gives away which is which (unless you like Dill Jelly, then you have problems). As far as things like salad dressings or condement bottles, I may put a rubber band around the Ranch dressing and leave the Blue Cheese rubberband-less. It doesn't take much to be able to decipher things in the fridge.

Photo description: A jar of dill jelly.

As far as cooking...I can tell you what the Number 5 is at Wendy's, oh and the Number 2 at KFC is devine, both Wendy and Colonal Sanders are super at Cooking! Ok, I can cook if I need to and some of the best meals I've ever eaten were prepared by some of my blind chefy-type friends. For most things in the kitchen, common sense type things should be applied. When you are filling up a measuring cup, you simple stick a finger in to see how high you have filled it. When seeing if a cake is done, you stick a toothpick in it and feel if there is anything on the toothpick. When barbequing, which is one area of cooking I do love to do, you can either cut into the meet to see if it cuts through or you can put pressure on the meets to see if it is still soft or juicy...then you can decide how well done you want it.

Photo Description: My buddy Colonal Sanders

There's a million tips for the kitchen, I've only listed a few. Feel free to leave a comment if you have a more specific question, I'll do my best to answer it!

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