
Can You Sing a Rainbow?

When I have troubles finding the meaning in things, ways to express my heartache or joy, answers to my soul's questions...

Music saves me!

My favorite time of the day is on the bus to and from work. As odd as it may sound, my iPod plugged in, and headphones to my head I find my pace...

My aspirations for the day ahead, my worries from the day I just had.

For everything I feel there seems to be a song..

And perhaps there is no better sensation in the world than the right tune, with the right lyrics at the right time!

"Shattered" is a current HIT on Deja's Playlist of Life!


Ashley the Magnificent said...

I think the euphoria of discovering something new is comparable: A euphoria transcending normal experience, when time seems to freeze and you can almost feel the particles in the air around you tingling with excitement, and it's just you and this amazing idea--- that feeling is the best feeling.

But I like that song. Thanks for sharing. I just bought it on the iTunes.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Yea, I'm finally catching up on my Deja news!! Love this song!!! Your blog is always a blast to read!